🕆 There is there are – Variations

Hallelujah. There is, and there are can have multiple variations in Spanish, this is depending upon the usage and context. Here we share many of the forms in which it translates.

there is, there arehay
there was, there werehubo,había
there used to behabía-solía haber
there has been, there have beenha habido
there had beenhabía habido
there will behabrá
there would behabría
there is going to be va a haber
there continues to becontinúa a haber
there seems to beparece haber
there might bepuede haber
there may bepuede haber
there could bepodía haber-podría haber
there should bedebería haber
there can bepuede haber
there must bedebe haber
there has to betiene que haber
there needs to bees necesario que haya
there may have beenpuede haber habido
there might have beenpuede haber habido
there could have beenpodía haber habido, podría haber habido, pudo haber
there must have beendebe haber habido
there should have beendebería haber habido
there will have beenhabrá habido
there would have beenhabría habido
if there was…,were…si hubiera…
if there had been…si hubiera habido…

Hallelujah, remember Jesus loves you and He comes soon. Please leave a Reply.